Our Board is comprised of leadership from the Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii, dedicated business and community volunteers.
Members of the Corporation
Very Rev. Larry Silva, Chairman
Michael Browning
Very Rev. Msgr. Gary Secor
Cori Weston
Malcom Zara
Mona Baccaro
Bro. Ed Brink
Adam Dornbush
Jeff Niebling
Cheri Rauckhorst
Very Rev. Msgr. Gary Secor
Cori Ching Weston, President
Betty White
Veronica Wong
Most Rev. Larry Silva (Ex Officio)
Emeritus Board Members
We thank our Emeritus Board Members for their many years of service to the Foundation:
Fr. Dan Dever (1925-2011)
Bill Dornbush (1945-2015)
Karen Nakamura
Wendell Pang